How to Apply for an American Airlines Flight Attendant Job (2024)

How to Apply American Airlines Flight Attendant Hiring

In a world full of a multitude of airlines, what does it take to get onto American Airlines, one of the top legacy carriers in the United States?

Today I’m explaining the whole process after passing my American Airlines Flight attendant interview.

How Long Does the American Airlines Assessment Process Take?

For some, this process could take a few months, others it could take years.

Most I have come into contact with it took, at least, a year to get through the entire process.

It really just depends on what they are looking for at the time, how many people they need to hire for that year, your background, etc.

It’s like any other job. You are competing with droves of people for only a select few positions.

What To Expect When Applying to a Flight Attendant Position in American Airlines

Online application + Online Assessment

Apply for the position and complete an online assessment.

This will take a few weeks, normally to process before they send you the link to the Virtual group interview.

Virtual group interview

If you are succesful, you will receive an invitation to attend the face to face interview.

In-person interview

They will fly you out for this.

You will have a group activity,  if selected, you’ll move on to jumpseat fitting and lifting test, and a final one-on-one interview.

They can let you go at any time during this process. But if you are successful, you will be offered a CJO (Conditional Job offer), meaning that you will be offered the position – conditional on you getting through the airlines specific training process-.


Training lasts six weeks. You’ll be immersed in a mix of fast-paced classroom, online and hands-on training. Although training is unpaid, food and lodging are provided.

Hiring process timeline:

Take in account that everyone’s timeline is different. This is just an example.

  • Applied: 05/09
  • Invite for virtual interview: 05/17
  • Virtual interview: 06/08
  • Invite for interview: 06/15
  • Interview in Dallas: 06/25
  • CJO: 06/25
  • Training: 07/26

American Airlines Flight Attendant Hiring Process

Each stage of the application process is extremely important, but don’t be dismayed if it takes a long time for them to get back to you.

No news is honestly good news.

Take that as a good sign.

1) Online Application

aa careers website

  • Go to > Careers  > Flight Attendant, or directly here:
  • This page will give you an overview of what the process is going to be, I would highly suggest looking this page over
  • Click on: “receive emails by subscribing to jobs matching Flight Attendants when they are posted.”

Once you receive the email stating there are positions available, you want to apply as soon as possible!

Some airlines’ application process can end within hours, due to the amount of people that apply.

It will ask you generic things that you would be putting on your resume, how many years of customer service you have, references, if you’re a U.S. citizen, etc.

Remember to update your resume, you want to have anything that will put you ahead of another candidate.

2) Online Assessment

The online assessment is pretty self-explanatory, it is basically just asking you personality questions.

To see if you have the right temperament to be in a customer service position.

Takes about half an hour to fill out, if that.

3) Video Interview

american airlines video interview

This is something you should treat as a normal face-to-face interview.

Dress the part!

They will still be able to see your face and part of your attire.

Make sure you have good reception, that you are in a room that is presentable and professional. Use a computer, not your phone. It will not look serious.

For men, I would highly suggest a suit.

Women, I would also suggest a nice dress or a shirt with a blazer. Add a bright lip to give you some color.

It’ll be a virtual group interview with a big group.

You’ll introduce yourself and they’ll ask you one open question.

Not the scenario type of question, more of a personality question.

That’s all.

The atmosphere is relaxed and it’s just about sharing your experience, so no tricks.

Once the interview is over, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for them to get back to you.

Like I said, no news is good news.

They will send you an email saying they are no longer interested if they don’t want you.

4) In-Person Interview

If you are lucky enough to get to this stage in the process, you will get an email asking you to fly out to Dallas, TX for an in-person interview.

They will coordinate this with you, and give you all details you will need to show up to this interview on time.

Here’s what will happen that day:

  • Meet and greet
  • Group activity
  • Presentation of the company
  • Dismissal of non-selected candidates
  • Final one-on-one interview
  • Conditional Job Offer (CJO)

Meet and greet

Beware. Your interview starts the second you arrive at the headquarters.

Make sure you are professional, kind, and friendly at all times.

Do not let your guard down even if you think no one is watching.

Group Activity

The group activities are usually just ice breaker activities and teamwork activities, they want to see how well you work with others.

Take the time to truly talk, be on your best behavior.


If they ask for group leaders, or someone to write, make sure you take one of those positions. They want to see that you have leadership skills and are able to accomplish tasks on your own. 


  • Every small group needs to make a board that has one thing that’s interesting about each group member
  • The group then has to present this to the bigger group, they have to decide which one goes to who.
    ⇒ A quick team building game, to see if you can work well with others and take initiative
    ⇒ Smile
    ⇒ Be professional

Then you are asked a round table standard interview question.

Presentation of the company

This will be basic information on the company.

Pay attention, this will give you a good idea as to the culture of the company and what they want for the future.

Can you see yourself here?

One-on-One Interview

Once they do call your name, pray that they will lead you to another room.

You will do a reach test and buckle in the jump seat.

Then you will sit down with a recruiter and do a standard job interview as well as go over job-related questions.

Questions like:

  • Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
  • Do you like to work alone or with others?
  • How would you deal with a customer with an unreasonable request?

Conditional Job Offer (CJO)

At the end, if you are fit for the job, you will be offered the position (CJO) and will have to go for drug testing and fill out some paperwork.

You will also get more information on when they are thinking about your training start.

After all that is completed, you will be sent on your way back home.

They will send out an email in the next few days, to a few weeks, giving you all-the-information, you need before showing up to training.

Make sure you study the information they give you!

Most will test you on this information right when you get there.

Tips for the Face-to-Face Interview

Put your best foot forward!

  • Be yourself, don’t try too hard to stand out. Just being you is good enough!
  • Give a detailed answer but get to the point. 
  • Speak articulately, be kind, compassionate, extroverted, patient, smile a lot, make eye contact, etc.
  • Be involved in the conversation, do not check your phone, and pay attention, so that the recruiters can be aware of the fact that you are interested.
  • Use what experience you have under your belt to your advantage! If you’ve been a Flight Attendant before, make sure they know about it. If you’ve worked in a position where customer service was paramount, let them see that.
  • Be confident. Go in knowing you are going to get the position and make it happen.
  • Ask questions. Makes you look interested, enthusiastic and engaged and it also gives you a final chance to highlight your relevant qualities and experience.
  • If you aren’t good at interviewing, practice with your friends and family at home. Find questions that could be used in the interview and really go all out.
  • Get dressed appopriately, have the people who are helping you rate your interview answers and body language.
  • Make friends with the people around you! You will find a lot of them have gone through this process before and can give you pointers.
    They are also good to get in touch with after you have been offered the CJO, they will more than likely be in your training class. It always makes the environment less stressful when you already know other people.
    My first airline, the lady I sat next to become not only my study partner before going to training, during training and a very close friend to this day. You never know who could help you down the road.

What Should I Wear for the AA Flight Attendant Interview?

Dress to impress.

Wear a suit if you’re a male.

A dress, or pant suit, if you’re a female.

Look at what American’s Flight Attendants are currently wearing and gear it towards this.

Business professional is what you should aim towards.

Have your hair done elegantly, wear lipstick, high heels, tights.

I would highly suggest having your hair up, in a bun of some sort, since this is what they will be requiring from you on the job.

On the same topic: How to Dress For Your Flight Attendant Interview


If you want to be a Flight Attendant, just be prepared for it to be a long process.

It isn’t something that usually happens right away, but it is well worth it!

If they say no at first, keep trying.

I know plenty of people where it’s taken multiple tries before they get the CJO, don’t give up.

Do as much research as you can, and you’ll be in the best possible position.

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  1. If you went to Dallas for a face-to-face interview and you didn’t go to the next step and was told you get an email within 7-10 days for your results if they will consider you an offer. Has anyone received an email offer for CJO?

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